Säkrar kvaliteten i produkter, processer och system längs hela värdekedjan. Läs mer
Validerar specifikationer, värde och säkerhet hos råmaterial, produkter och tillgångar. Läs mer
Intygar formellt att produkter och tjänster uppfyller vedertagna externa och interna standarder. Läs mer
Components and sub-assemblies and specific aspects of an end-product covered by new CB scheme services. More…
Extension of recognition of the CE mark and new cyber security regulation keep the UK top of mind. More…
En översikt över de viktigaste förändringarna i EU:s förordning om material och produkter i plast som är avsedda att komma i kontakt med livsmedel. More…
What you need to know about the new EU Battery Regulation. More…
A recent TIC Council study found a 15 % increase in unsafe CE-marked products on the EU market since 2017. In this blog post, Fredrik Wennersten, Chief Certification Officer, NCB Sweden at Intertek Semko AB, who assisted the survey on behalf of Intertek Semko, reflects on the proliferation of unsafe products on the EU market. More…
On Nov 23, 2022, the European Parliament published the directive 2022/2380, which will amend the Radio Equipment Directive (RED - 2014/53/EU) in two steps. More…
On December 9, 2022 the Council and the European Parliament reached a provisional political agreement on a new regulation on batteries and waste batteries, covering a framework of rules regarding design, production and waste treatment of batteries. In this blog post, Intertek’s Maria Wesselmark and Andreas Nyman discuss the regulation and its implications on industry. More…
One of the first blog posts I wrote concerned BREXIT, a hot topic in 2020. Still a hot topic, here’s a summary of the latest Brexit developments (as per the UK government website, August 2022.) More…
EU strengthens the cybersecurity of wireless device and products More…
A “sustainable battery” implies that its production, use, and end-of-life handling is done without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs; environmentally, socially, and economically. Eva Fontes, Director of Transportation Technologies North Europe, discusses opportunities as well as stumbling blocks on the road to a truly sustainable battery value chain. More…
After seven years as an elected member of the IEC CAB (Conformity Assessment Board), Fredrik Wennersten recently attended his last CAB meeting at the 85th IEC GENERAL MEETING in United Arab Emirates (Dubai). More…
Fredrik Wennersten, Chief Certification Officer at Intertek’s National Certification Body in Sweden shares some thoughts on the history of the S mark and what it means to manufacturers and consumers today. More…
An historical overview of Swedish conformity assessment and standardization. More…